Hi! 👋 I'm Benjamin Toh
About Me
Aspiring Software Engineer
I am a final year Computer Engineering student at the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a minor in Data Engineering. I have a keen interest in software engineering, distributed systems, machine learning, databases and everything in between!
Software Engineering
Me love to build big systems. Me love to code
Machine Learning
Big computer brain
Distributed Systems
I can count to 1000 fast
Who doesn't love cats
Database / Cloud

Modern Meeting Scheduler

Luna AI
NUS Hack & Roll 2024 - Winner
AI Call Agent for Government Services

Networking Platform

TikTok Hackathon 2023 - Participant
E-wallet with offline capabilities
My Journey

Software Engineer Intern
Jul 2024 - Present
SAP, Singapore
- Developed and optimized features for a highly available and scalable distributed infrastructure for training and serving machine learning models using Kubernetes, Docker, Python and Go.
- Enhanced the availability of a high-volume Python proxy server by implementing load balancing and retry strategies, resulting in improved performance and reliability under high traffic conditions.
- Made open-source contributions to KServe in Python and Go, enhancing system flexibility to product needs.
- Implemented circuit breaker pattern for microservices within a distributed system using Kubernetes, Istio and Python to enhance resiliency of a proxy server.

Software Engineer Intern
Jan 2024 - Jun 2024
GovTech Singapore
- Optimized and developed new features for a scalable cloud-native Cloud Operations platform that provides info-comm security and compliance services across 55+ public service agencies with React, Node.js and Azure Functions
- Reduced Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline execution time by 45% by upgrading and migrating to a modern framework
- Optimized backend REST API loading time by 35% through effective optimization strategies
- Implemented an end-to-end testing framework in Playwright leading to a significant decrease in production bugs

Software Engineer
Aug 2023 - Apr 2024
Google Developer Student Club NUS
- Developed a full-stack volunteer management system in a cross-functional team for a Non-Profit Orgnaisation to manage 10,000+ volunteers using Next.js, TypeScript, Express, Node.js, Docker and PostgreSQL.
- Implemented integration with AWS S3 for seamless and efficient data storage of secure files.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Aug 2023 - Present
National University of Singapore
- AY 2023/2024 Sem 1: CS2113 - Software Engineering and OOP (Java)

Software Engineer Intern
May 2023 - Aug 2023
Trilogy Technologies
- Designed and built backend architecture with data piplines single-handedly with MQTT, Edge Gateway and Azure Functions to handle high volume data processing and scalability for an IoT monitoring system with 1K+ sensors.
- Developed a full-stack web application to visualise and analyse IoT data using React, Flask and PostgreSQL and adopted a Factory Method design pattern while achieving >95% unit test coverage.
- Prototyped a high precision indoor location coordinate system from scratch with Ultra-Wideband technology, ESP32 microcontrollers and a Python GUI.